WSOS Skippers,
At our CYC Board Meeting last night the question of why and when do we make the call about canceling races for WSoS. The agreed upon criteria is a safety question. For example, if the air temperature is such that, even if it is a clear day, spray on to the deck would start to freeze so foredeck sailors would be in jeopardy of slipping, then no racing. Likewise, if it is snowing, no racing. If the wind chill because of big breezes combined with low temperatures is a risk of hypothermia even on deck, then no racing. The point is that whether on the deck or in the water edge case temperatures and conditions must be reckoned with by cancelling races. I note the Soup owners said the water temperature under their boat at PYC the other day was around 38 degrees. 'Nuff said.
The next question is how far in advance do we cancel and how do we communicate it? Because email is the new snail mail now that just about everyone text messages and because some sailors do not look at their email every hour or so, we have been cancelling the day before. However, the current consensus is that we should wait till the morning of the race to make the call because conditions are so variable (see two weeks ago). So, we are going to make the call no later than 9:00 on Sunday mornings as to cancellations. We will send out an email and also a text message to those of you who have checked the box when you signed up agreeing to receive text messages. If you did not check that box, send me a note and I can open your file and do it for you.
Finally, please remember, that under RRS, the decision whether to race or not is within the sole and exclusive discretion of the skipper. You know yourself, your crew, and your boat. Irrespective of whether CYC-WSoS runs a race or not, it is your decision whether to be out there or not. Always err on the side of being safe. Note: I'm also texting this email so that you'll know whether you checked that little box.
See you on the river,